Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No Gag Reflex

My first blog even though I have been doing the same thing for years calling it my “Real Estate Byte”. I work in the Coachella Valley of California most widely known as Palm Springs. Not all of my blogs will be related to the market. Some, like this one, will be about experiences I have had while working in this field humorous or otherwise. I promise they will be real and hopefully have a point.

After meeting my client for the first time we spent the afternoon looking at potential properties. The normal conversations took place me trying to qualify him and him trying to work me for a deal.

I enjoyed this guy and around 4 PM we were both hungry and I suggested we stop at a local Mexican restaurant and discuss the property we had looked at. We ordered a quesadilla and two margaritas. About ten minutes into our chat he suddenly stopped talking and his eyes got big. He grasp his throat and it was clear he was choking. I started to slap him on the back and decided the Heimlich was what needed to happen. The restaurant staff had started to gather and I was thinking the worst. Well the worst did not happen – instead he threw up in his plate.

Believe it or not we are still working on finding him that property but neither of us has suggested getting a bite to eat again.

The point – keep your first aid skills up-to-date. I am not too sure E and O insurance would cover death by Quesadilla and it is the worst way I can think of to loose a client!

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